For the romantic rogue, his little black book would contain the contact details of various amorous prospects, as well as past conquests. Some would be underlined, while others would be struck through. It was a regularly-updated, private list that acted as an aide memoire for occasions when a companion was required. Our little black book follows a similar logic, only with liquid assignations.

The wines noted down in here are the ones that are at the forefront of our mind at any particular moment, wines that make our pulse race a little faster when we think about them, wines that we can rely on to provide entertaining company and to reflect well on us in social circles. We realised that our whole list might be a bit too much for some to digest, so we’ve cherry-picked a few indispensables. Some are reliable old faithfuls, while others are exciting new discoveries, including one or two wines that are not in the main body of the list, because we are still at the courting stage.

We hope you enjoy having a snoop.


White Wines


Red Wines